Maple worksheets on second order differential equations


Differential equations:

The following Maple worksheets can be downloaded.

They are all compatible with Classic Worksheet Maple 10.

Spring animation

Homogeneous 2nd order linear differential equations with constant coefficients - homog2DE.mws

Non-homogeneous 2nd order linear differential equations with constant coefficients - undetcoeff.mws

Non-homogeneous 2nd order linear differential equations: variation of parameters - varparam.mws

A procedure for solving 2nd order linear differential equations with constant coefficients - desolveCC.mws

Simple harmonic motion and damped oscillations - oscillations.mws

Forced oscillations - forced.mws

Resonance of an under-damped oscillatory system - resonance.mws

A procedure for solving 2nd order differential equations with a "missing variable" - missingvar.mws

Procedures for differential equations -

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